Contact Us

First Name*
Last Name*
Can't find your country?
Types of Financing*
Can't find your Product?
Are you a supplier (exporter) or a buyer (importer)?*
If you are a supplier, what products do you export and to what countries?
What method of payment does your buyer use?*
Are you looking to expand into other global market(s)?
If Yes, indicate your target market(s
If you are a buyer, what products do you buy and from what countries?
Are you happy with your current supplier(s) or are you looking for new supplier(s)?
If Yes, indicate your target market(s)
Is your industry engage in agro-processing for the purpose of exporting within or outside Africa?
If Yes, what types of agro-products do you process?
(e) Is your company a manufacturer engage in the manufacture of goods for the purpose of export within or outside Africa?
If Yes, types of products do you manufacture?

How we are Compensated

Whether we are compensated directly by the client or by the lender will depend on the type of financing and the country where the product is being exported to or imported from. For example, if a client is requesting Buyer’s Credit to finance the purchase of capital equipment or services from the United States and we are able to assist in procuring financing, the client is not under any obligation to pay us because we have an agreement with the lender to pay us.

However, if the client is requesting Buyer’s Credit to finance the purchase of similar equipment or goods from any other country listed above, the buyer is obligated to pay us a success fee if we are able to secure financing in this case. This is because lenders in these countries generally welcome requests from us to source financing for our clients under the Buyer’s Credit program. However, they will not enter into an agreement to pay us but will allow us to charge our clients a reasonable success fee.

On the other hand, if the client is requesting invoice financing for exporting eligible products to any eligible country, pre-shipment financing, post-shipment financing, or storage financing, the client is not obligated to pay us a success fee in any of these cases because we have an agreement with the lenders to pay us.